Sale! Cabrinha FUSION HYBRID X-SERIES 1950 Wingfoil Foil Set

Cabrinha FUSION HYBRID X-SERIES 1950 Wingfoil Foil Set


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Cabrinha Fusion Hybrid X-Series 1950 Foil Set (Wingfoil)


inkl. Rear X-Series Stabilisator 220

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Delivery: 2-5 Workdays

780,63 €
tax not included excl. shipping

-45% Discount

previously 1 419,33 € 1 419,33 €

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Cabrinha Fusion Hybrid X-Series 1950 Wingfoil Foil Set Beschreibung

Das Fusion Hybrid ist eine effiziente Zusammenstellung an erstklassigen Komponenten, die in einer unglaublich steifen und hydrodynamischen Foil-Konstruktion resultieren. Das Fusion Hybrid lässt sich nahtlos in alle 9cm-Foil-Boxen nach Industriestandard integrieren.

Die neu gestaltete Fuselage-Verbindung ermöglicht es, den Mast fest und sicher zu montieren -- und kann so den vertikalen und horizontalen Kräften widerstehen, die in allen Foildisziplinen auftreten.

Cabrinha Fusion Hybrid X-Series 1950 Wingfoil Foil Set Hauptmerkmale

  • 3-Schraubenverbindung für optimale Steifigkeit
  • Eloxiertes Aluminium 6061-T6 in Luftfahrt-Qualität
  • Konische Präzisions-Fuse-to-Mast Verbindung für optimale Steifigkeit
  • Helicoil-Inserts für minimierte Korrosion und lange Lebensdauer
  • Wasserdichte Hohlkonstruktion für optimales Verhältnis von Festigkeit zu Gewicht


Cabrinha Fusion Hybrid X-Series 1950 Wingfoil Foil Set Details


The Fusion Hybrid is an efficient blend of premium components that result in an incredibly rigid & hydrodynamic structure. It seamlessly integrates into all 9cm industry standard foil boxes.

The redesigned fuselage connection platform allows the mast to tightly lock into place to withstand the vertical and horizontal forces involved in all foil disciplines.

The all new Fusion ecosystem sets a new benchmark in Cabrinha's foil design & manufacturing capabilities. Performance & function is at the heart of the design process.

Each Individual part has been redesigned on both component and connection level with an option to interchange any part in the system. This effortlessly simple system puts complete customization in your hands and the new X:Series Wing options will open the door to progression on whatever craft you choose to use them with.

We proudly invite you to build your dream ride...

The Fusion Hybrid is an efficient blend of premium components that result in an incredibly rigid & hydrodynamic structure. It seamlessly integrates into all 9cm industry standard foil boxes.

The redesigned fuselage connection platform allows the mast to tightly lock into place to withstand the vertical and horizontal forces involved in all foil disciplines.

Cabrinha Fusion Hybrid X-Series 1950 Wingfoil Foil Set Key Features

  • 3-screw connection for superior rigidity
  • Aircraft grade extruded, anodized 6061-T6 aluminum
  • Precision tapered fuse-to-mast connection for optimal rigidity
  • Helicoil inserts minimizes corrosion and provides long lasting durability
  • Water tight hollow design for optimal strength to weight ratio

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