

Our stores

Our stores

... A real shop in the heart of Berlin!!!

Sale There are 2 products.


  • Kite Deals

    Kite Deals

    We have a constantly changing selection of Big Deals in the kite area for you. Kite set offers from almost all brands, demo and testware and used kites are available to you. So here you can save a lot if you buy a kite.

    If you have questions about kite offers, our professional staff will be happy to help you.

  • Kiteboard Deals

    Kiteboard deals

    We have a constantly changing range of awesome Kiteboard deals. Discontinued offers, as well as used and test kiteboards can be found here. Save big prizes and shop in the Offers section.

    If you still have questions about kiteboarding, our expert staff will be happy to assist you.

  • Wetsuit Deals

    Wetsuit deals

    We have a huge selection of neoprene offers for you. For more information, please visit this products webpage. There is something for every purse: unbeatable offers from the entry-level neoprene range as well as unbeatable offers on premium neoprene suits.

    If you have any questions regarding the topic of Neoprene offers, our professional staff will of course be happy to help you.

  • Harness Deals

    Harness deals

    All offers and reduced trapezoids you can find summarized here at a glance. Spout Trapeze of older vintages, as well as current already reduced Trapeze we have in the assortment. Sometimes you can buy kite trapeze here for less than half the price. A look at the harness offers is definitely worth it!

    If you still have questions about Harness offers, we are always available for you.

  • SUP Deals

    SUP Deals

    We constantly have a changing range of reduced SUP boards, including all necessary accessories. Whether dry suit, wetsuit, SUP paddle or smaller accessories,
    here you will find drastically reduced items. So if you really want to have your own SUP board, but have not been able to scrape together the necessary change,
    you're sure to find it here. Even if you want to extend your season or even paddle all year round, here you will find a lot of reduced SUP dry packs. A look at the SUP offers is always worthwhile.

    If you still have questions about our SUP offerings, don´t hesitate to ask us.

  • Bar Deals

    Bar offers

    We have constantly changing Kite Bar offers for you. Both bars from past years, as well as many demo, test and used bars, we always stock. A bar should be exchanged much more often than a kite. If the kite gets ripped apart, this usually runs quite harmless, but pulling a line at the bar can have serious consequences. So take the opportunity and buy from the offer a cheap kite bar.

    If you have any questions about our Kite Bar offers, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Wingfoil-Wingsurf Angebote
  • Wakeboard Deals

    Wakeboard deals

    We have a constantly changing range of reduced wakeboards and bindings and also all necessary accessories.
    Whether wakeboard helmet, wetsuit, Impactvest or smaller accessories, here you will find drastically reduced items.
    If you really want to have your own wakeboard, but have not been able to scrape together the necessary change, you will surely find it here.
    Even if you want to extend your season or even want to go wakeboarding all year, here you will find heavily reduced warm wetsuits for waking.
    A look at the wakeboard offers is always worthwhile.

    If you have any questions about our wakeboarding offers, our expert staff will be happy to help.
  • Boardbag Deals

    Boardbag deals

    Of course, we also have a constantly changing wide range of greatly reduced products in the Boardbag segment.
    Both single / daybags and travel boardbags are always available at unbeatable prices. A cheap single bag saves you a lot of dirt in the car,
    as well as scratches on your kiteboards. In the case of waveboards, a boardbag is of course an absolute MUST to protect the extremely fragile boards.
    Invest in advance in a stable boardbag, as an afterthought in an expensive repair.

    If you have any questions about our Boardbag offers, we are of course always available.

  • Drysuit Deals

    Dry Suits deals

    We have an extremely wide assortment of reduced dry suits for you legernd. Prices, which you will find anywhere else on the Internet, can be found here! Both offers from the discontinued, as well as current articles drastically reduced, there is at Coronation permanently. So if you want to lengthen your kite season, or even make it endless, have a dry suit!

    If you have any questions about our offers in the field of dry-suits, our expert Peronal will be at your side with advice and action.

  • Longboard Deals

    Longboard deals

    We constantly have a changing range of reduced longboards from many manufacturers.
    Longboards from every price range, we have permanently drastically reduced prices for you. So there is something for every budget.
    Both longboard beginners and ambitious / advanced longboarders will find a suitable board here. Even if your girlfriend / boyfriend wants to start longboarding,
    here's the cheapest way to quickly get to a second longboard. So grab one while the bargains are still available.

    If you still have questions about longboard deals, our expert staff is there for you.

  • Softkite-Landboard Deals


    An extremely wide selection of softkite and landboard offers has been summarized for you here at a glance.
    Outlet offers on softkites and landboards, as well as current products permanently at unbeatable prices, we always have something for you in our range.

    So if you want to start with Landboarding / Landkiting you can put together an extremely cheap beginner equipment here.
    This category includes 2 Line and 4 Line softkites, trainer kites as well as depower softkites.
    So there is something for every wallet. We constantly have Landboard / ATB offers changing from brand new models to older ones.

    If you have any questions about Softkite.Lansboard offers, our expert staff is awaiting your call or e-mail.

  • Other Deals

    Other Deals

    Here you will find all our offers, which you can not find any deal category. The various offers range from kite foot straps to caps, backpacks,
    fashion to kite pumps and all other accessories you may need. Of course, in these categories, too, we have constantly drastically reduced offers for you.

    If you have any questions about our various offers, we are of course available for you.

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items

Showing 1 - 2 of 2 items

Sale & Special Deals

For all bargain hunters among you here we have listed all reduced items and special deals at a glance.
You will find offers from the categories Kite, Kiteboard, Neoprene, Harnesses, Drysuit, Kitebar, Softkite, Landboard, Longboard, SUP, Boardbag, as well as various other offers.