Moonshine WHITE LIGHTNING SLIP 60mm roues



Nouveau produit

Moonshine WHITE LIGHTNING SLIP 60mm Longboard Wheels

Our selected formula from the distillery for pouring the White Lighting SLIP is 'XXX'. The centerset White Lightning 60mm SLIP wheels will bring your hybrid to the next level of freeriding. No boundaries. (Set of 4)

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livraison: 2-5 Jours ouvrés

Attention : dernière pièce disponible !

53,95 €
TTC hors frais de port

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Moonshine WHITE LIGHTNING SLIP 60mm Longboard Wheels Specs

Durometer: 81a

Diameter: 60 mm

Contactpatch: 35 mm

Core Position: Centerset

Wheels Usage: Freestyle/Dance Wheels

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