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Kheo Flyer V3 8'' Mountainboard The Flyer is a mountainboard with channel trucks at an unbeatable price while remaining a lightweight board. The spring positions are adjustable, alowing to personnalize the response of the mountainboard depending on riding style and rider's weight. Suitable for beginner and intermediate riders looking for stability at high...
DisponibleMBS Pro 97 Dylan Warren II - complete Landboard/Mountainboard Dylan Warren’s signature model. This is MBS' top of the range mountainboard featuring our best components.
DisponibleMBS Comp 95 Mountainboard - Birds MBS Comp 95 Mountainboard - Birds is MBS´ workhorse! A versatile board capable of hitting any kind of terrain. This has always been one of MBS most popular models. It has now been updated with a new deck featuring MBS asymmetric concaves to help keep your feet locked into the board and give you maximum control.
Kheo Core V3 8'' Mountainboard The Core is an entry-level board perfect for lightweight riders under 60kg. The smallest board in the Kheo range is easy to carry and ensures nippy turns. It is the ideal first board to discover landkiting and downhill.
DisponibleKheo Kicker V4 8'' Moutainboard The Kheo Kicker is one of the lightest boards on the market thanks to its light skate trucks and its deck shape made to avoid more "wheelbite". 8'' inches wheels are ideal for freestyle tricks. Suitable for beginner to intermediate riders between 40kg and 90kg who want to make progress in landkite.
DisponibleMBS Core 94 Mountainboard ATB All Terrain Landboard The Core 94 is designed with kiters and lighter mountainboarders in mind. It is a lightweight and versatile board which will help you nail your first freestyle moves. For kiters – the lightweight design together with the grip provided by the T3 tyres make it the perfect choice.
Kheo Epic V2 8'' Mountainboard With its maple, fiberglass and bamboo construction, the Epic is a high-end board ideal for trick board offs and freestyle. Version with 8" wheels for more lightness when performing tricks! Suitable for intermediate to expert riders between 40kg and 100kg, the Epic is best used for freestyle, freeride and wing sessions.
DisponibleKheo Epic Landboard (8'' Racer Wheels) The Kheo Epic is the intermediate to pro level board that is specifically built for kite landboarding freeride and freestyle. The deck of the Epic features a lightweight bamboo deck with a Canadian maple core, it’s this lightweight construction that makes it perfectly suited to freestyle tricks and board off’s. Its...
DisponibleKheo Bazik V4 8'' Mountainboard The Bazik is Kheo's top of the line board. Mounted with channel trucks, its maple and fiberglass construction makes the board durable and stable even at high speeds. The spring position of the channel truck is adjustable to suit the rider's weight and riding style. Velcro C1 straps provide comfort and performance even...
DisponiblePeter Lynn Buggy Competition XR+
Next Flux Mountainboard Landboard ATB All Terrain Landboard Das Next Flux ist das günstigste Board in der Next Range. Es bietet sich an für alle Ein-und Aufsteiger.
Next Earthquake Mountainboard Landboard ATB All Terrain Board Das Next Earthquake ist der neue günstige Cruiser/Freestyler in der Next Range. Mit dem 99cm langen Deck und den Skate Truck Achsen ist es ein laufruhiges Board das aber aufgrunde des relativ geringen Gewichts auch für hohe Jumps gut geeignet ist.
Next Blaze Mountainboard Landboard ATB All Terrain Board Das Next Blaze ist der Cruiser in der Next Range. Mit dem 99cm langen Deck und den Channel Truck Achsen ist es ein sehr laufruhiges Board, das aber auch für fette Jumps gut geeignet ist.
Next Redux Mountainboard Landboard ATB All Terrain Board Das Next Redux ist der Nachfolger des extrem erfolgreichen Black Chili II. Besonders interessant ist das Fiberglas Composite Deck. Es ist sehr leicht und bietet viel Flex.
Libre Hyperline Dragonboard Landboard ATB
Rupture de stockDas MBS 97 Dylan Warren Pro Modell ist das längste Brett der Serie, ideal für kraftvolle Fahrer, die die härteste Ausrüstung suchen. Es ist das weltweit erste asymmetrische konkave Deck, das ergonomisch in Handarbeit gemacht wird, um perfekt in Ihren Fuß zu passen, da der Tiefpunkt des Decks direkt unterm Fuß liegt. Das PBT finish stellt sicher, dass...
Rupture de stockMBS Comp 95X Mountainboard - Birds With large 9″ T2 tyres and our pre-installed V5 brake system the Comp 95X is ready to tackle any trail you put in front of it. If you’re a full size rider who feels more comfotable on the ground than in the air and more at home in the wilderness than in the local park the Comp 95X is the board you can trust to take you...
MBS` entry level board the MBS Colt 90 Mountainboard also gets the new blunted deck shape as well as some component upgrades. The biggest upgrade is without doubt the wheels. FiveStar hubs and T1 tyres give the MBS Colt 90 Mountainboard - Constellation a lot more performance and are considerably lighter. The second major upgrade is the move to ATS.12...
Rupture de stockMBS` entry level board the MBS Colt 90 Mountainboard also gets the new blunted deck shape as well as some component upgrades. The biggest upgrade is without doubt the wheels. FiveStar hubs and T1 tyres give the MBS Colt 90 Mountainboard - Constellation a lot more performance and are considerably lighter. The second major upgrade is the move to ATS.12...
MBS All Terrain Longboard The MBS All Terrain Longboard takes a classic 41? Drop Down longboard deck, 190mm Navigator Drone trucks and MBS new 100mm all-terrain longboard wheels which are cast with super-high-rebound urethane. This beast does not care about loose stones on the road, it doesnt even need a road.
HQ Raid Assassin 8" - Mountainboard ATB Freestyle recommended Landboard Holz/Composite-Deck mit sehr gutem "Flex" und cooler Graphik Schwarze Skate Truck-Hohlachse (12 mm) Relativ geringes Gewicht erleichtert anspruchsvolle Fahrmanöver Komfortable Velcro-Bindungen Verfügbar mit 8" der 9"-Bereifung - hier mit 8" Reifen 250mm Geeignet für Rider bis 90 kg
Rupture de stockHQ Raid Assassin 9" Mountainboard - Freestyle recommended Landboard Holz/Composite-Deck mit sehr gutem "Flex" und cooler Graphik Schwarze Skate Truck-Hohlachse (12 mm) Relativ geringes Gewicht erleichtert anspruchsvolle Fahrmanöver Komfortable Velcro-Bindungen Verfügbar mit 8" der 9"-Bereifung Geeignet für Rider bis 90 kg
HQ Raid Thief 8" Mountainboard ATB - Freeride recommended Landboard Ergonomisches Deck-Design (Holz/Composite) mit cooler Graphik Hoch-effektives Freeride- und Downhill-Board Sehr direkte, schnelle und komfortable Kontrolle durch den Rider Channel Truck-Achse (12 mm), 3-stufig verstellbar Verfügbar mit 8" der 9"-Bereifung - hier mit 8" 250mm Geeignet für...
Rupture de stockHQ Raid Thief 9" Mountainboard ATB - Freeride recommended Landboard Ergonomisches Deck-Design (Holz/Composite) mit cooler Graphik Hoch-effektives Freeride- und Downhill-Board Sehr direkte, schnelle und komfortable Kontrolle durch den Rider Channel Truck-Achse (12 mm), 3-stufig verstellbar Breite Felge für mehr Stabilität Verfügbar mit 8" der 9"-Bereifung...
Rupture de stockKheo Flyer V2 ATB Mountainboard - 8 inch wheels Landboard The KHEO Flyer Mountainboard - All Terrain Landboard is perfectly suitable for riders up to 80Kg that want to ride hard and fast on any terrain, while its Channel trucks give the Flyer all the stability needed to bomb down any hill, field or beach at high speeds. MEHR KHEO FLYER / KHEO LANDBOARDS...
Rupture de stockKheo Flyer V2 ATB Mountainboard - 9 inch wheels Landboard The KHEO Flyer Mountainboard - All Terrain Landboard is perfectly suitable for riders up to 80Kg that want to ride hard and fast on any terrain, while its Channel trucks give the Flyer all the stability needed to bomb down any hill, field or beach at high speeds. MEHR KHEO FLYER / KHEO LANDBOARDS...
Rupture de stockKheo Core V2 ATB Mountainboard Landboard Das Kheo Core Landboard ist das perfekte Einstiegsboard auf entry bzw. junior level. Es wurde speziell für sowohl jüngere als auch leichtere Fahrer entwickelt. Kheo steht für Qualität & die Überzeugung, dass Sport Spaß machen & erschwinglich sein muss. Darin überzeugt das Kheo Core Landboard getreu dem...
Rupture de stockKheo Bazik V3 ATB Mountainboard - 9 inch wheels Landboard Das Bazik V3 Landboard von Kheo ist mit High Performance-Rennreifen ausgerüstet und fährt auch bei High Speed Geschwindigkeiten fast wie auf Schienen. Aber lass dich nicht täuschen: auch im Freestyle hat das Bazik allerhand zu bieten! MEHR KHEO Bazik / KHEO LANDBOARDS GIBT ES HIER
MBS ATOM 39" All Terain LongboardThe All-Terrain drop deck opens up a new world for longboarders.
Scrub RUSH ATB Mountainboard 8 Inch Wheels gebraucht Ausstellungstück Sehr wenige Gebrauchsspuren Komplett Einsatzbereit
Kheo Kicker V4 9'' Moutainboard The Kheo Kicker is one of the lightest boards on the market thanks to its light skate trucks and its 9ply Canadian maple deck. Versatile and all terrain with 9 inches wheels. Suitable for beginners to intermediate riders between 40kg and 90kg who want to make progress in landkite.
Rupture de stockKheo Epic V2 9'' Mountainboard With its maple, fiberglass and bamboo construction, the Epic is a high-end board ideal for trick board offs and freeride. Version with 9" wheels making the board usable on soft sand or rough terrain. Suitable for beginner to intermediates riders between 40kg and 100kg, the Epic is best used for freestyle, freeride and...
Rupture de stockKheo Flyer V3 9'' Mountainboard The Flyer is a mountainboard with channel trucks at an unbeatable price while remaining a lightweight board! The position of the springs is adjustable to suit the rider's weight and riding style. Version with 9" wheels making the board usable on soft sand or rough terrain. Suitable for beginner and intermediate riders...
Kheo Bazik V4 9'' Mountainboard The Bazik is Kheo's top of the line board. Mounted with channel trucks, its maple and fiberglass construction makes the board durable and stable even at high speeds. The spring position of the channel truck is adjustable to suit the rider's weight and riding style. Velcro C1 straps provide comfort and performance even...
Rupture de stockMBS Pro 97 Dylan Warren III Complete MountainboardDylan Warren’s signature model. This is our top of the range mountainboard featuring our best components.
MBS Comp 95 - Silver Hex - Complete Mountainboard The Comp 95 has always been MBS’ most versatile board, suitable for riders of all levels, from beginners looking for a board they won’t outgrow to seasoned riders pushing the boundaries of the sport on a daily basis.
Grâce à notre grande variété de marques dans le domaine des mountainboards / Landboard, nous pouvons servir tout le monde, des débutants en Landboard aux pratiquant ambitieux. Il y a plusieurs modèles différents disponibles dans chaque gamme de prix, donc tout passionné de Landboard trouvera ce qu'il recherche.
Les mountainboards et les landboards trouvent leur racines dans le Downhill. Les ATB sont donc parfaitement adaptés pour ne pas avoir à abandonner les pistes même en été. Au moins pour ceux d'entre vous qui osent le faire sans le tampon de neige molle.
Idéalement, les landboards sont également adaptés au landkiting. Si vous ne voulez pas toujours vous rendre à la mer ou au lac, ou si vous habitez trop loin, un Landboard est un bon investissement. Il suffit juste de prendre son Landboard et d'aller dans le prairie derrière la maison ou au prochain champ pour que le plaisir commence. En fonction de la qualité du terrain, le fun peut fonctionner dans beaucoup moins de vent que sur l'eau. Si vous pouvez déjà faire du kitesurf sur l'eau, cela se fera immédiatement sur terre.
Les mountainboards / landboards ont bien sûr différentes longueurs, formes, etc., ce qui est le meilleur pour vous, peut être difficile à dire de manière forfaitaire. Les planches plus longues sont naturellement plus confortables et offrent donc des avantages dans le domaine du freeride et de la course. Une planche plus courte est plus maniable et, bien sûr, beaucoup plus légère, il a donc clairement ses avantages dans le domaine du freestyle.
Si vous voulez lancer dans le kitelandboard, vous vous amuserez avec chaque Landboard. Ce n'est que lorsqu'il ressortira quel style vous plait le plus, que des avantages apparaîtront sur certains landboards.
Bien sûr, nous avons aussi tous les Moutainboards / Landboards assemblés dans notre boutique à Berlin, donc vous pouvez les regarder et vous faire une idée plus précise.
Si vous avez des questions à propos de Landboards / ATB, notre équipe d'experts est bien sûr disponible pour vous aider et vous conseiller.
Nous avons des Moutainboards des marques suivantes: MBS Mountainboards, Next Boarding, Raid, Zebra, Kheo, Scrub et Libre.