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Coronation News
"Ready for soaring deals? Dive into the ultimate kite control experience with Cabrinha's Overdrive Quickloop 1X...
Tu cherches ta première planche de kitesurf ou tout simplement une planche pour le vent léger, alors la ACTON de...
Es-tu prêt à te lancer dans une aventure passionnante de kitesurf en roadtrip ? Ne cherche pas plus loin ! Les...
Votre barre de kite a-t-elle besoin d'un contrôle ? Dans cet article nous allons nous concentrer sur la...
Softech Flash Surf Softboard (5'0'' - 5'7'') - Performance Series The Flash will motivate you to surf on any given day due to the uncanny feel and performance similarities between a soft and hard skin board. This is performance with a serious injection of fun.
Softech Flash Surf Softboard (5'0'' - 5'7'') - Performance Series The Flash will motivate you to surf on any given day due to the uncanny feel and performance similarities between a soft and hard skin board. This is performance with a serious injection of fun.
Softech Eric Geiselman Flash Softboard (5'0'' - 5'7'') - Performance Series The Eric Geiselman Flash will motivate you to surf on any given day due to the uncanny feel and performance similarities between a soft and hard skin board. This is performance with a serious injection of fun.
Softech Rocket Fish Softboard 4'8'' - Performance Series Short, full-bodied with boxy rails and loads of volume, the Rocket Fish will glide over fatter sections and will turn on a dime.
Softech Mason Twin Softboard (5'2'' - 5'6'') - Performance Series The Mason Ho Signature Twin will open your imagination, and inject you with a dose of stoke on every wave. When it comes to the board's performance, think fast, loose and free spirited.
Softech Mason Twin Softboard (5'2'' - 5'6'') - Performance Series The Mason Ho Signature Twin will open your imagination, and inject you with a dose of stoke on every wave. When it comes to the board's performance, think fast, loose and free spirited.
Softech Kyuss King Fish 4'8'' Softboard - Performance Series Designed in collaboration with Kyuss King, this generously volumed fish with hand shaped rails will get you from A to B in a hurry.
Softech Mistery Box 5'2'' Surf Softboard - Performance Series The Mystery Box has lots of acceleration and glide due to the quad set up. Low pinched rail creates bite and a positive connection to the wave through the turning arc.