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MBS All Terrain Longboard Wheels - Rollen Set Something different from MBS – these 100mm all-terrain longboard wheels are cast with 78A super-high-rebound urethane. They are designed for closing the gap between mountainboarding and longboarding. Ideal for longboarding down rough terrain.Sold as a set of 4 (Take a 22mm bearing)
DisponibleMBS All Terrain Longboard Wheels - Rollen Set Something different from MBS – these 100mm all-terrain longboard wheels are cast with 78A super-high-rebound urethane. They are designed for closing the gap between mountainboarding and longboarding. Ideal for longboarding down rough terrain.Sold as a set of 4 (Take a 22mm bearing)
DisponibleMBS All Terrain Longboard Wheels - Rollen Set Something different from MBS – these 100mm all-terrain longboard wheels are cast with 78A super-high-rebound urethane. They are designed for closing the gap between mountainboarding and longboarding. Ideal for longboarding down rough terrain.Sold as a set of 4 (Take a 22mm bearing)
DisponibleMBS All Terrain Longboard Wheels - Rollen Set Something different from MBS – these 100mm all-terrain longboard wheels are cast with 78A super-high-rebound urethane. They are designed for closing the gap between mountainboarding and longboarding. Ideal for longboarding down rough terrain.Sold as a set of 4 (Take a 22mm bearing)
DisponibleMBS All Terrain Longboard Wheels - Rollen Set Red Something different from MBS – these 100mm all-terrain longboard wheels are cast with 78A super-high-rebound urethane. They are designed for closing the gap between mountainboarding and longboarding. Ideal for longboarding down rough terrain.Sold as a set of 4 (Take a 22mm bearing)