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Coronation News
"Ready for soaring deals? Dive into the ultimate kite control experience with Cabrinha's Overdrive Quickloop 1X...
Tu cherches ta première planche de kitesurf ou tout simplement une planche pour le vent léger, alors la ACTON de...
Es-tu prêt à te lancer dans une aventure passionnante de kitesurf en roadtrip ? Ne cherche pas plus loin ! Les...
Votre barre de kite a-t-elle besoin d'un contrôle ? Dans cet article nous allons nous concentrer sur la...
Loaded Advanced Freeride Glove
Loaded TAN TIEN Deck 39” FIND YOUR CENTER. The Tan Tien longboard blends carve-oriented longboarding with advanced trick riding. A flexible deck, drop-through truck mounts, and usable kicks allow the Tan Tien to pack a lot into a relatively small package. The complex contours create a super responsive board that allows for increased confidence when...
Loaded Tan Tien 39'' Complete Longboard The Tan Tien longboard blends carve-oriented longboarding with advanced trick riding. A flexible deck, drop-through truck mounts, and usable kicks allow the Tan Tien to pack a lot into a relatively small package. The complex contours create a super responsive board that allows for increased confidence when leaning...
Loaded Dervish Sama Bamboo Longboard Deck 109cm (deck only!!!)
Loaded Dervish Sama Bamboo 109cm Longboard (komplett)
Loaded Dervish Sama Bamboo Deck 109cm
Loaded Basalt Tesseract 39'' Longboard complete THE SPORK OF MODERN, ALL-TERRAIN SKATEBOARDING.
DisponibleLoaded MATA HARI Longboard Dancer Complete One flex fits all. Continuing the legacy of Loaded dancers, the Mata Hari embraces a progressive and rapidly evolving new era of longboard dancing and freestyle. Compact dimensions, lightweight construction, poppy kicktails, and a range of wheelbase options make the Mata Hari our most technically adept board for...
DisponibleLoaded Basalt Tesseract 39'' Longboard DECK THE SPORK OF MODERN, ALL-TERRAIN SKATEBOARDING.
DisponibleLoaded Icarus Longboard (komplett Board) Powerful Flex—Vertically laminated bamboo and fiberglass construction pair with a cambered profile and a variable concave for a lively and engaging ride. The Loaded Icarus: The Freeride / Freestyle board, reimagined.
DisponibleLoaded Bhangra V2 Longboard Deck only Deine mobile Tanzfläche im neuen Gewand. Flex 1: 130-300+ lbs / 60-136+ kg Flex 2: 90-190+ lbs / 40-86+ kg
Loaded Icarus Longboard DECK ONLY Powerful Flex—Vertically laminated bamboo and fiberglass construction pair with a cambered profile and a variable concave for a lively and engaging ride. The Loaded Icarus: The Freeride / Freestyle board, reimagined.
DisponibleLoaded MATA HARI Longboard Deck 44.5" Dancer Deck only. Inklusive Griptape.
DisponibleLoaded CANTELLATED TESSERACT Longboard Complete Komplett Longboard. Auspacken, Los rollen.
DisponibleLoaded Tesseract Longboard 99cm Komplettboard
Loaded Vanguard Bamboo Longboard 96cm
Loaded Tesseract 39" Komplett Longboard
Loaded Tan Tien 99cm Longboard Komplett
Loaded Bahngra Longboard Deck
Loaded Fattail Komplett longboard
Loaded Tarab Longboard Deck only Der Tarab ist leicht, haltbar und technisch und hebt das Niveau des Longboard-Dancings und der modernen Freestyle an. Flex 1: 140-270+ lbs / 63-123+ kg Flex 2: 80-190+ lbs / 36-86+ kg
Loaded Vanguard 21-Year Limited Edition, 38" Longboard
Loaded Longboard Dervish Sama Bamboo 109cm
Top des ventes - dernières pièces disponiblesLoaded Dervish Bamboo 106cm
Loaded Tan Tien Bamboo 99cm Deck 2012 Edition
Loaded Longboard Dervish Sama Bamboo 109cm
Loaded Tan Tien Bamboo Longboard 99cm Komplettboard
Rupture de stock