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Nouveau produit
Der Sculp ist ein vielseitiger Allrounder, passend für nahezu alle Rider und Fahrstile. Er punktet in allen Disziplinen und bietet eine unglaubliche Windrange und Benutzerfreundlichkeit.
Sizes: 7m / 8m / 9m / 10m / 11m / 12m / 13m / 14m
Der 2017er Sculp - Eine Welt, Ein Kite!
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Für 2017 haben wir den Sculp komplett überarbeitet. Nachdem er jetzt in unserer eigenen Kite Fabrik gefertigt wird standen uns uneingeschränkte Möglichkeiten für Verbesserungen und Innovationen zur Verfügung. Der Sculp hat ein höheres Aspect Ratio, was den Kite schlanker und schneller macht. Hieraus resultiert auch ein stärkerer Delta Shape welcher sich in einem unglaublich stabilen, angenehmen und vorhersehbaren Flugbild mit progressiver Kraftentfaltung äußert.
The 2017 CrazyFly Sculp is a versatile all-around performer, suitable for a wide range of riders and styles. It delivers consistency in all riding disciplines and offers incredible wind range and ease of use. For 2017, we have completely re-worked the Sculp, as it is now made in our own factory in Europe, which opened up unlimited options for improvements and innovation. Shape wise, the Sculp now has a higher aspect ratio, which makes the kite slimmer and much faster. This also results in a more Delta shape which offers smooth, stable, and predictable flight with progressive power delivery.
By challenging traditional kite construction, we came up with numerous innovations and improvements on the 2017 Sculp. Starting with the canopy material, we use the latest Double Ripstop. The new Double Ripstop is lighter, has the same tearing strength in all directions, and allows 30% less air through itself. This means that the same surface area of the new Double Ripstop catches a lot more air, which results in more power and much longer hangtime. On the wingtips of the canopy, we introduced a brand new United Dacron Panel technology. This revolutionary feature increases the kite’s rigidity and reactivity allowing for better flight experience. Every seam on the kite eventually gets stretched over time, especially in the area which is being pulled by the backlines the most. So, instead of using multiple Dacron panels, we used a single United Dacron Panel in this area. The reactions of the kite are noticeably quicker and the quick reactions do not fade over time.
The connection of the canopy to the inflated base of the kite is more precise and stronger than ever. We moved the strut connection points on the leading edge much closer to the canopy. This is tedious work, but the canopy now precisely follows the profile of the strut and ensures much more efficient airflow. Another upgrade this year is the Synergy Strut Bond. Instead of a traditional single attachment seam, we connected the strut to the canopy with two parallel seams, creating the ultimate synergy between the strut and the kite. This synergy noticeably improved how the kite generates power during turns and kiteloops and how it holds its shape during flight.
On the inflated frame, we narrowed down the number of leading edge panels by nearly 50% on all our kites. Because the material itself is always stronger than a seam, having less panels and less seams results in the most precise and the strongest leading edge till date. Towards the wingtips, a brand new Swept Leading Edge Seam is moved higher towards the canopy where it has less influence on airflow. This allows for higher aerodynamic efficiency and more precisely controlled kite.
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