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Der Wainman Gypsy RG3.1 Kite 6,25m² ist ein Instant-Klassiker & das perfekte Werkzeug für eine solide Wave-Sessions oder starken Wind Twin Tip "Explosionen". Als einer der bevorzugten Rabbit Originale und sehr respektiertes Mitglied in der Bande, hat der Wainman Gypsy RG3.1 Kite 6,25m² beispiellose Stabilität, mit außergewöhnlichem Low-End-Wind-Bereich und überlegenem Lift.
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An instant classic and the perfect tool for a solid wave session or strong wind Twin Tip "blast off" days. One of the favorite Rabbit originals and very respected members in the gang since day one, Gypsy has unprecedented stability, with exceptional low-end wind range and superior lift.
Direct Control & Effortless Re-Launch
4 lines setup together with compact V-bridles provide direct handling and response when controlling the RG 3.1 kite, as well almost automatic and effortless re-launch.
Extensive Wind Range
Unique Rabbit shape, profile and technical design together with perfectly balanced bridle settings, provide extensive wind range for amazing low end and high end performance in each size, combined with 100% safety flag out capabilities.
Customizable Settings & Versatile Performance
The user friendly and simple to adjust settings, covers every riding style: from classic freeride to every day freestyle to incredible wave sessions!
Premium Materials & Durable Construction
Built only with the highest quality fabrics: the canopy is made with a very light and super durable rip-stop SPI cloth from Teijin (Japan); leading edge, struts and tips are built with polyester heavy cloth made by Dimension Polyant (Germany).
Precision Profile Design
Each RG 3.1 size has its own, unique profile shape and is designed individually in order to provide a similar feeling and maximize performance. 3-struts, low aspect profile design ensures maximum stability in all wind conditions.
Single Point Inflation - RAF
RAF - Rabbit Air Flow - allows for fast, single point inflating the kite (Multi Point Inflation is also available for the old school Rabbit connoisseurs).
The 3rd generation of our flagship product has once again gone through a defined & strategic refinement process while maintaining the legendary Rabbit unique feel and performance characteristics. With a near perfect recipe for an all-round kite, the R&D department was very cautious to make fine adjustments in order to improve the product. There is always room for minor improvements and updates that will enhance the Rabbit Gang series kites without altering the core DNA. These improvements provide an overall difference to the complete kite package and it's unique performance.The R&D team has maintained the performance in each size, while focusing on improved construction and features of the complete package.
The RG 3.1 kite boasts excellent upwind and jumping performance combined with the legendary Rabbit power delivery, stability, re-launch, depower abilities and wind range separate the product from any other in the industry. The entire Rabbit Gang 3.1 range now offers a new canopy color, single point inflation system (Rabbit Air Flow - RAF) with a new quick inflation/deflation valve, new robust system of bladder valve welding, new front bridle system and rapid inflate big pump with gauge. Additionally, the RG 3.1 offers durable construction, adjustable bar pressure, direct and responsive handling and a proven/improved safety system. The RG 3.1 package is completed by the improvements to the control bar (RG 3.1 control bar) and the redesigned RG 3.1 kite bag.
During the improvement process of the new RG 3.1 kites and bar, it was our priority to continue development of this legendary product to achieve the same result as in the past - no matter if you are a seasoned Rabbit rider or a potential new one to the gang, when riding the RG 3.1 kites you will be ensured the best session of your life!!!
20-35 knots (70kg rider on standard TT board)
25-40 knots (85kg rider on standard TT board)
Wainman Gypsy RG3.1 Kite 6,25m² - Jetzt bei uns im Shop online kaufen!
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Top des ventes - dernières pièces disponibles1 612,61 €
1 721,85 €
1 805,88 €
1 595,80 €
1 679,83 €
1 763,87 €