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Nobile Flying Carpet 2014 Leichtwind Kiteboard
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We all know the wind conditions when a bigger board is, quite simply, a better board. The Flying Carpet was designed not to miss those days when everyone else is on the beach waiting for the wind. It is a supreme lightwind creation and is lively and responsive, and truly surprises with the kind of performance and comfort you would not expect from a board of its size. The Flying Carpet features our Pre-Stress technology, combined with a lightweight and durable construction, which also make this model a prefect board for first timers and for kite schools.
Comfortable and pleasant ride in light-wind conditions
Maximized planing surface
Excellent upwind performance
CAV - Complete Anti-Vibration Technology - By using advanced core materials, laminates and variable flex zones, we managed to eliminate almost all vibrations that occur during the ride.
CAV not only makes the ride smoother and faster, but also provides exceptional grip in all conditions.
Woodcore - There is no better material for a board core than wood. With its harmonious characteristic, combining strength, flex, light weight and vibration damping, wood is still the uncrowned king of core materials.
Dynamic Asymmetrical Shape is designed around the Human Concept, to enhance your performance and work in harmony with your body. We have tailored the outline of the heel side rail to provide more grip, better upwind performance and maximum POP. On the weaker toe side, the curve radius is increased to improve the carving potential and comfort. At the same time DAS decreases the foot pressure necessary to hold an edge.
APS Technology - Pre-stress. Prestressing means the intentional creation of initial tension in a structure for the purpose of improving its strength properties.
In kiteboarding, pre-stress allows the board to be loaded with energy during production. Storing the energy inside the board makes it a bit more stiff and much more torsion resistant, which results in astonishing POP. Pre-Stress technology also allows us to build thinner and lighter boards, yet still more durable.
Nobile AirLight Core - The backbone of our tech advanced large surface boards. A blend of superlight core materials and wood, developed to reduce the overal weight of the kiteboard.
IFS Pro Pads & Straps :
The IFS Pro is a comfortable and ergonomic connection between the rider and the board. To increase your safety and comfort, our footbed is equipped with shock-absorbing air chambers that reduce the impact of the stroke when landing and helps to protect your body and knees. The 2014 IFS Pro features a new, reinforced frame and multi-position mounting, and provides extraordinary comfort and control over the board.
Click&go tool-free mounting standard
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Disponible235,25 € -158.87 € 394,12 €