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O'Neill Neoprenanzug Gooru GBS 5/3mm Full Black Deepsea Lun
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True to the Goo. This series is constructed with buttery UltraFlex DS, light and flexible GBS seams, Lumbar Seamless Design (LSD), unfinished cuffs, and Krypto Knee Padz. The light weight, quality materials and attention to detail make this Series a team inspired favorite.
The Ultra Gooey, like buttery love
Insane ?exibility, ?t and warmth using a unique design which utilizes less seams
Featuring a pullover internal neck seal that blocks out water for maximum performance. Any water that penetrates the Z.E.N. Collar or Super Short Zip is blocked by the Barrier-2 and forced out the Drain Hole.
Body: 100% UltraFlex DS
Knee: Krypto
Neck Facing: Glideskin
GBS (Glued and Blindstitched Seam) Construction
Patented Z.E.N. Zip Closure System
Double Super Seal Neck
Critically Taped-Reinforced Seam Junctions
External Key Pocket with Loop
Strategic Seamless Paddle Zones
Minimal Seam Construction
Sidewinder S-Curve Seams
Contortionist Seamless Shoulder
Der O'Neill Neoprenanzug Gooru GBS 5/3mm Full Black Deepsea Lunar, jetzt bei uns im Shop!
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