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Nouveau produit
Der HYPER ist ein Big Air boosting Kite für fortgeschrittene Rider und Experten. Diese Rakete in Form eines Kites befördert dich bis zum Mond und wieder zurück. Von Null auf Hundert im Bruchteil einer Sekunde - kein Witz. Dieser Kite liefert pure Leistung.
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livraison: This product is no longer in stock.Attention : dernière pièce disponible !
Date de disponibilité:
Durch den stärksten 5-Strut Kiteframe den wir je produziert haben ist der HYPER wie auf Fels gebaut und daher grundsolide. Kein wehendes Fähnchen im Wind, einfach nur purer Lift, sanfter Gleitflug und eine geschmeidige Landung.
Der Shape des HYPER basiert auf einem Delta Bow Kite mit einem sehr hohen Aspect Ratio. Dies macht den Kite ideal für massive Sprünge und beeindruckende Kiteloops, die durch die hohe Drehfreudigkeit sicher druchgezogen werden können.
Wie gewohnt bei CrazyFly wurde das Triplex, das fortschrittlichste Ripstop Material am Markt, verwendet.
Das Verhältnis von Festigkeit zu Gewicht sucht bei Triplex seines Gleichen, gepaart mit der dreifach Beschichtung ist seine Langlebigkeit unvergleichlich. Die Beschichtung schützt das Gewebe vor UV-Strahlen, Salz sowie vor scheuernden Dingen wie z.B. Sand. Eine Dreifachbeschichtung und drei Ripstop Garne sorgen für eine niedrigstmögliche Dehnung und einen geringen Verschleiß des Materials.
This kite is hyped up. High performance. Big confidence. Power. Muscle. No hassle. Emotion. Devotion. Addiction. Perfection. Pure power. Rush hour.
Meet the long awaited king of the air. This rocket launcher of a kite takes you to the moon and back. From zero to hero. In split seconds. No jokes. It delivers.
With the strongest 5 strut kite frame we have ever made, the Hyper is rock solid. No fuzz in the air, just pure lift, glide and smooth touch down. With Triplex Ripstop, it pulls. It pulls a lot, like a train.
Extremely light bar pressure gives power on demand and ultimate control for this big air boosting kiteloop machine. It turns fast, on a dime, oh my.
High aspect, no respect. Pull to play, accelerate. Oh damn, hit the break, Load up, get high. Let fly. Come down. Retry.
This shape is a mixture of Delta and Bow shapes taking advantages of both. It offers lots of depower and boosting power on demand, automatic relaunch and maximum airtime. The Delta Bow shape is easy to control with low to medium bar pressure. This shape is ideal for riders looking for powered freeriding, big air jumps and hooked in freestyle.
The five strut design creates a very strong and sturdy frame for the canopy and is much needed for kites with longer wingspan, such as Delta Bow shaped kites. For high performance big air kites, like the HYPER, it is crucial for the kite to keep its shape and this is best achieved with the support of five struts.
Heavy duty Dacron frame is the backbone of our kites. Without sacrificing strength, we were able to take our multiple reinforcements inside the kite, which allowed us to use more dacron on the canopy without adding more weight to the kite. The heavy duty Dacron frame ensures the best strength to weight ratio and makes the kite much more rigid, correctly shaped, stronger and durable. This results in amazing flight stability, more dynamic reactions to rider input and explosive boosts.
Brand new and exclusive to CrazyFly, we introduced Triplex, the most advanced ripstop material on the market. Triplex has by far the best strength to weight ratio and with triple coating its durability is unmatched. The coating protects the fabric from UV rays, salt and abrasive objects, such as sand. Triple coating and three ripstop yarns ensure the lowest possible elongation and deterioration of the material till date.
Smart, fitted and well cut. Without any compromise to the kite’s shape, we have created a Tailored Canopy, where we have been able to unite multiple panels into one. As a result, the canopy has less panels, which saves weight and at the same time creates a more unified and stronger skin of the kite.
Arptex sits at the top of abrasion resistant polyamide textiles. This high tech fabric made in Italy can handle plenty of abuse without getting damaged. The official number is 100 000 contacts with abrasive surface before the material starts deteriorating. This is why we selected Arptex as the most suitable material to protect CrazyFly kites in the most abused areas and increase the size of the Arptex Shields.
SIZE: | 7m | 8m | 9m | 10m | 11m | 12m | 13m | 15m | 17m |
WIND SPEED (knots): | 15-40 | 14-36 | 12-33 | 11-28 | 10-26 | 9-24 | 8-22 | 7-20 | 6-19 |
756,26 € -503.40 € 1 259,66 €
840,29 € -629.45 € 1 469,75 €
774,69 € -38.5% 1 259,66 €
798,28 €
831,89 €
571,39 €
1 234,45 €
646,48 € -45.01% 1 175,63 €
739,19 € -38.01% 1 192,44 €
686,27 € -39.01% 1 125,21 €