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From Surfboard Designer | Dan Mann
Chuy Reyna has been with Firewire since it was founded. He’s a great surfer and I always appreciate seeing him ride my boards.
One day I shaped him a dominator. And he liked it. But he felt like he wanted more bite on tightly angled turns in the pocket. So before the board was glassed he gave the tail a nip and a tuck to create the stepped down diamond tail you see it today. And the Spitfire was born.
I think what has made this board so popular in places like California, the United Kingdom and France is how full the rails and the foil are with foam, coupled with a rocker curve and fin placement that simply work great in waves that are not barreling top to bottom.
For most surfers who are dialing in their quiver for waves around home, I think the spitfire and the Chumlee are a great combo to have in your trunk.
Length | Width | Thickness | Volume |
5' 02" | 19" | 2 1/8" | 23.3 L |
5' 04" | 19 1/4" | 2 1/4" | 25.7 L |
5' 06" | 19 3/4" | 2 3/8" | 28.3 L |
5' 08" | 20" | 2 3/8" | 31.0 L |
5' 10" | 20 1/4" | 2 1/2" | 33.5 L |
6' 00" | 20 1/2" | 2 1/2" | 34.9 L |
6' 02" | 20 3/4" | 2 5/8" | 38.0 L |
6' 04" | 21" | 2 3/4" | 41.5 L |
6' 06" | 21 1/4" | 2 7/8" | 45.0 L |
6' 08" | 21 3/4" | 3" | 48.7 L |
6' 10" | 22" | 3 1/4" | 55.4 L |
Firewire Spitfire Surfboard (Dan Mann) - jetzt bei uns im Shop oder online zum Top Preis kaufen!
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470,55 € -310.13 € 780,67 €
420,13 € -385.76 € 805,88 €
361,30 € -394.16 € 755,46 €