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Mystic Majestic Waist Harness Blue
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360 degrees Pre-shaped back support
3D-moulded foam interior and exterior
HP system detachable
Covered side parts
Double power leash ring
Soft neoprene edges
HP system included
Memory foam back support
Multi Spreader = Clickerbar 3.0 | Low torque fixation
Spreader protector
Battle belt waist closure
Knife included
The core of the Mystic Majestic Waist Harness is an ergonomically shaped back support. The shape and design of the back support is the result of years of research and development on water. The aim was to design the best fitted back support, to create a harness that does not ride up during use. Strong polyester webbings are strategically placed on the back support to spread extreme loads evenly over the back support. This construction gives you the best back support ever.
The memory foam forms perfectly around your body making it the best fitting. Once you have used the Mystic Majestic Waist Harness it will adjust even more perfect to your body shape, providing you with even more support.
The side parts of the Mystic Majestic Waist Harness are covered to prevent unwanted releases. The covering also provides a place for the remaining webbing strap to fold into.
The Mystic Majestic Waist Harness safety knife is a small metal knife. The double blade construction makes it easy to cut your lines when it is necessary.
The Low Torque fixation is specially designed by Mystic to prevent the spreader bar from any upward rotation. The low Torque Fixation is integrated in the side of the spreader bar. The combination with the clickerbar system makes it the fastest quick release system on the market. With the clicker bar it really does just take one click and your ready to ride!
The clickerbar system is designed to withstand everything the extreme conditions can throw at it.
The edges of the Mystic Majestic Waist Harness are made of folded neoprene. The double neoprene ensures high comfort and prevents any discomfort from the stiffer parts of the harness.
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